Franken-Onleihe. Brand and Marketing Integration


Brand and Marketing Integration

Brand and Marketing Integration

Autor*in: Shapiro, Dina

Jahr: 2017


When the concept of marketing integration comes up, many people automatically think about external customer marketing; however, external approaches-advertising, social media, and event marketing, for example-are just one piece of the puzzle. In this course, Dina Shapiro shares a comprehensive brand and marketing integration approach that encompasses all external and internal stakeholders and touchpoints. Along with going over external marketing, Dina covers three other important types of integration: vertical, horizontal, and internal. She also explores common roadblocks and shows how to incorporate integration strategies into your own company.

Titel: Brand and Marketing Integration

Autor*in: Shapiro, Dina

Verlag: LinkedIn

Kategorie: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

2961 Exemplare
2961 Verfügbar
0 Vormerker

Max. Ausleihdauer: 180 Tage